2. Data Preparation
Capfinder requires detailed information about base movements during sequencing, which is captured in the "moves table". This information is crucial for accurate cap type prediction.
- Raw POD5 files from your sequencing run
- Dorado basecaller (version 0.7.0 or later recommended)
- Samtools (version 1.18 or later recommended)
- A transcriptome reference
Important Note
Dorado Live Basecalling does not generate the necessary moves information. Therefore, post-data acquisition standalone basecalling and alignment process is required to produce the moves information in the alignment SAM/BAM file.
Basecalling Process
To generate the required data, we use a custom script that performs the following steps:
Basecalls the raw POD5 files using Dorado
Emits SAM format output with moves information
Aligns the basecalled reads to a reference genome
Converts the output to a sorted and indexed BAM file
Basecalling Script
Below is a script that automates this process. You'll need to adjust the paths and settings to match your environment:
# Please edit to reflect your settings
DEVICE="cuda:all" # For Dorado to use GPU
#---------------------- DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ---------------------#
# Function to check and download the model if necessary
check_and_download_model() {
local model_path="$MODEL_DIR/$MODEL_NAME"
if [ ! -d "$model_path" ]; then
echo "Model not found. Downloading..."
"$DORADO" download --directory "$MODEL_DIR" --model "$MODEL_NAME"
echo "Model already exists. Skipping download."
# Create output directory
mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR"
# Check and download the model if necessary
# Run dorado basecaller and pipe directly to samtools for sorting and indexing
echo "Starting basecalling and BAM creation..."
"$DORADO" basecaller "$MODEL_DIR/$MODEL_NAME" "$POD5_DIR/" \
--recursive \
--emit-sam \
--emit-moves \
--device "$DEVICE" \
--reference "$REF" | \
"$SAMTOOLS" view -bS - | \
"$SAMTOOLS" sort -o "$OUTPUT_DIR/sorted.bam" -
# Index the sorted BAM file
echo "Indexing the sorted BAM file..."
"$SAMTOOLS" index "$OUTPUT_DIR/sorted.bam"
echo "Basecalling and processing completed. Output files are in $OUTPUT_DIR"
echo "Generated files: sorted.bam and sorted.bam.bai"
To use this script:
- Save it to a file (e.g.,
). - Make it executable:
- Edit the script directly to change any paths or settings as needed.
- Run the script: